Less than 6 months since the NSW Government Infrastructure Grant was won, the refurbishment of the Office and the building of the dedicated Training Room has been completed.

L to R: Senior Deputy Captain  Jason Lewington, The Hon. Andrew Constance, Deputy Captain Lance Hartley and Rotarian, Mr Charlie Blomfield, being thanked for the fantastic effort in supporting the Brigade in their Grant Application

Today, the Brigade had a quiet informal meeting to celebrate the new additions. We welcomed the Hon. Andrew Constance, Rotary members - Charlie Blomfield, Phil McDonald, local tricycle speedster, Chris Sparks and his wife, Wendy, Kane O’Sullivan, Tathra Brigade and especially members of the community. Andrew Constance was warmly thanked for the Government financial help. He stated that the application was supported very much due to the large amounts of monies put into the project by Rotary and the Brigade. The Brigade money came from the gracious community donations.

Of note, Senior Deputy Captain, Jason Lewington was thanked for his great work in stepping up as Project Manager while Lance was travelling the country. Kane O'Sullivan and his crew (Kaos Constructions) were thanked for bringing the build in on time and within the allocated budget. Well done to these ‘guys'..

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